Container Workshop 2024 Spring @ Tufts Research Technology

Container technologies such as Docker and SingularityCE/Apptainer wrap the application together with everything it needs to run into an isolated environment. This enables containerized applications to always run the same regardless of the environment in which they are running, which positions container technology as a critical tool for data reproducibility in science. In high-performance computing (HPC) environments, SingularityCE has been widely used, and the primary reason for its popularity is that it can significantly reduce system administrators’ work of deploying applications. In this workshop, we will introduce how to pull, run and build containers with SingularityCE/Apptainer on Tufts High Performance Computing clusters.

Topics will include:

  • What are containers and why should we use them

  • Singularity/Apptainer basics

  • Advanced topics including MPI and GPU enabled containers

  • Wrapping containers into environment modules

This is the user guide for running bioinformatics analysis on Tufts High Performance Computing clusters.

If you have any question, contact me (Yucheng Zhang).